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Home » IMARC 2023: World Economic Forum takes the lead on the Global Energy Transition with exclusive roundtable 

IMARC 2023: World Economic Forum takes the lead on the Global Energy Transition with exclusive roundtable 

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will bring together political and business leaders at a special forum focusing on the global energy transition, and Australia’s role in it, as part of the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC 2023) being held in Sydney from 31 October – 2 November. 

The high-level event will consist of an exclusive roundtable and a panel discussion. The leaders will use the opportunity to explore the challenges of transitioning to renewable energy . They will also manage the need for low-cost and reliable power generations.

The WEF exclusive discussion will be led byJörgen Sandström, who is the Head, Transforming Industrial Ecosystems. The discussion will hope to align the resource and energy sector across public and private sectors.

The event will also bring together major players from both the public and private sectors. The players will come together to discuss the opportunities, complexities and realities of the energy transition for Australia.

Further, the forum aims to set a clearer pathway forward between the government and the private sector on Australia’s energy transition and critical minerals strategy.

Also Read: IMARC 2023: Global Leaders Gather in Sydney to Power Energy Transition

WEF Initiative’s

WEF initiative will highlights IMARC’s role as a key forum. It will also use the forum to enable the industry to address the issues facing Australia, but also the global energy sector.

“We are proud that the World Economic Forum has chosen IMARC to host this important initiative on the energy transition in Australia. Over its 10 years, IMARC has become the leading forum in Australia to connect industry leaders, politicians, and the broader business community to facilitate conversations to address existential issues facing society,”  IMARC Conference Director Sherene Asnasyous stated.

IMARC 2023, unlike other industry forums, brings together stakeholders from across the entire value chain. The stakeholders come to share their insights, perspectives and solutions . They also try to understand how to achieve a sustainable and prosperous energy future for Australia and the world. 

The WEF initiative comes as wholesale power prices in Australia have risen by more than 140 per cent in the past year. This will also help leaders to focus attention on the cost of energy for households and businesses and the alternatives facing policy makers as Australia strives to meet its emissions reduction goals.

The leaders have also come together to collaborate on collective effort to try and change the current paradigm.

“The transition to renewable energy is a complex challenge that requires a collaborative effort. It requires an effort between the public and private sectors. We believe that Australia can lead the world given its resource wealth, strong governance systems and highly trained workforce,” Mr. Sandström stated.

Unlocking Australia’s Energy Transition

The keynote panel discussion to follow, titled “Unlocking Australia’s Energy Transition: From a Global to a Country Perspective” will feature Mr. Sandström and senior executives.

Some of the executives include, Gillian Cagney who is the President for Australia and New Zealand, Andrew Hinchcliff the Group Executive Institutional Banking and Markets, Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Sam Crafter the Chief Executive Officer, Office of Hydrogen Power South Australia will also attend among others.

The panel will further explore the global trends and challenges of the energy transition. It will also explore how Australia can leverage its natural resources, innovation and collaboration to achieve its net-zero emissions target. This will be in line with Australia becoming a global leader in the greenw economy. 

Also Read: Africa’s Role in Advancing Global Clean Energy Transformation

 About IMARC 2023

The International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) brings together global mining leaders. The leaders use the forum to collaborate on trends in mining, investment and innovation towards a sustainable future.

IMARC 2023 will take place at the Convention Centered (ICC Sydney). The event will be a celebration of what has grown into one of Australia’s biggest business event.

IMARC 2023 will bring together over 8,500 decision makers. It will also bring mining leaders, policy makers, investors, commodity buyers, technical experts, innovators, and educators. The guest will come from more than 120 countries for three days of learning, deal-making and unparalleled networking.

Currently, Industries across the world are striving to achieve Net Zero targets. However, IMARC returns to examine the critical minerals on the mining value chain.

IMARC was developed in collaboration with its founding partners. They include the Victorian State Government, Austmine, the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), Mines and Money. It’s also held with the support of its Host Partner, the NSW Government.