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Home » US-Africa Business Summit 2023 Begins in Botswana as Africa Eyes Better Trade Ties 

US-Africa Business Summit 2023 Begins in Botswana as Africa Eyes Better Trade Ties 

US-Africa Business Summit 2023 Begins in Botswana as Africa Eyes Better Trade Ties

Over 1,000 delegates and stakeholders are in Botswana’s Capital of Gaborone for the 2023 US-Africa business summit running between July 11 and 14.

African heads of state, government officials, entrepreneurs and private sector executives from Africa and the US are taking part in the summit.

The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA)– a business entity that aims to connect America’s business interests in Africa is hosting the high-level forum. 

Under the theme “Enhancing Africa’s Value in Global Value Chains”, the Summit seeks to build on the gains in the preceding U.S.-Africa Leaders Summits and in particular the Business Forum in December 2022. 

In addition, the goal, according to the organizers, is to present African businesses with an opportunity to build and cement new ties with the world’s biggest economy and market in the US.

In his speech, Botswana’s President Mokgweetsi Masisi noted that African countries were ready and willing to benefit from the opportuntites. 

According to Masisi, the conference in Gaborone will help government leaders and other stakeholders to renew their commitment towards building stronger trade, investment and business ties between Africa and the US. 

Masisi also stressed the need for African countries to step up in efforts to boost the continent’s integration into the global economic systems through initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA).

According to him, the implementation ACFTA will help to boost intra-Africa trade and consequently enhance Africa’s value in the global value chain.

“I recognise and commend African leaders for the formation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The AfCFTA  will boost Intra-Africa trade,” President Masisi noted.

Tech Talk dominates US-Africa Business Summit

On her part, Aida Diarra- who is the Senior Vice President of Visa in Sub-Saharan Africa emphasized the need to ensure that Africa succeeds in digitization efforts. 

According to her, the most digitized economies have proven to the the most resilient amid the recent global challenges facing economies. 

John Olajide, the CEO of Axxess- a US based eHealth company also stressed the need to bridge the gap in Africa’s technology as a way of achieving development. 

“We believe you can leverage technology to eliminate distance and get care to people wherever they are.” John Olajide, CEO of Axxess stated.

Calls for stronger public-private partnership were also made by various speakers in the summit who noted that strong relationship between players in both sectors would help to achieve the goals set in the US-Africa ties.

The conference will feature keynote addresses, roundtables and closed doors pitch sessions. 

Over 100 speakers, according to the host, will provide insights on emerging opportunities across various sectors in Africa in the course of the four day-summit.