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Home » UNDP and timbuktoo Launch HealthTech Startup Accelerator Programme in Africa

UNDP and timbuktoo Launch HealthTech Startup Accelerator Programme in Africa

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the timbuktoo Africa Innovation Foundation have introduced the HealthTech Startup Accelerator Programme.

This Pan-African initiative aims to transform healthcare innovation across Africa. The programme is based at the HealthTech Hub in Kigali, Rwanda, and supports visionary entrepreneurs and startups dedicated to creating advanced health technologies. These technologies aim to solve Africa’s urgent healthcare problems.

The programme offers early-stage startups comprehensive support, including mentorship, funding, and top-notch resources.

It is part of the broader timbuktoo initiative, which plans to mobilize and invest one billion dollars in catalytic and commercial capital over the next ten years. This investment is meant to drive Africa’s startup revolution.

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Empowering Africa’s HealthTech Innovators

During the launch, Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa, UNDP Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the Regional Bureau for Africa, highlighted the programme’s importance.

She stated that harnessing innovation will bridge healthcare access and quality gaps in Africa. The goal is to propel progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She also emphasized that timbuktoo aims to create a future where every African has the opportunity to succeed.

The HealthTech Hub in Kigali is one of timbuktoo’s ten thematic hubs. It brings together government agencies, private sector partners, and academic institutions.

The hub provides a dynamic environment for innovation and encourages collaboration and knowledge-sharing across Africa.

This collaboration will help ensure that health technology innovation leads to sustainable and inclusive healthcare solutions for all Africans.

Applications are now open to African-owned startups that are registered in Africa. Founders must be between 18 and 35 years old and have a minimum viable product ready to scale.

The initiative targets technology-focused entrepreneurs building HealthTech solutions in sectors such as telemedicine, healthcare logistics, diagnostics, and mobile health. Startups must submit their applications online by 6 October 2024.

Ms. Fatmata Lovetta Sesay, UNDP Rwanda’s Resident Representative, emphasized the role of young innovators in transforming Africa.

She added that the programme empowers future leaders to tackle Africa’s toughest healthcare challenges. Together, Fatmata believes they can build a healthier and more resilient Africa.