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Home » An Evening Down Under: Former President Barack Obama Kicks Off Speaking Tour in Australia

An Evening Down Under: Former President Barack Obama Kicks Off Speaking Tour in Australia

Former United States President Barack Obama touched down in Sydney, Australia, to embark on his speaking tour, aptly named “An Evening with President Barack Obama.

Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, welcomed the charismatic former presidents as they exchanged greetings despite the drizzly conditions.

The pair, sporting wide grins, and umbrellas, shared a few words as photographers captured their meeting, signaling the beginning of what is sure to be an engaging and insightful speaking tour.

This visit showcases the growing bond between the United States and Australia, as the two nations maintain a robust alliance and a rich history of collaboration.
Obama’s speaking tour will encompass events in both Sydney and Melbourne, where he is slated to engage in insightful discussions about pressing global issues alongside Julie Bishop, former Australian Foreign Minister.

The enthusiasm surrounding Obama in Australia was palpable, with tickets to the event continuing to sell rapidly. Australians are keen to hear from the man who, during his presidency, was celebrated for his progressive policies and strong leadership. Obama’s appeal transcends borders, and his presence in Australia is a testament to his enduring influence on the global stage.

Obama talks about US-China relations

During his speech, the former President complimented Chinese leader, noting that he was impressed by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“Xi was much more forceful and confident,” he noted.

“We actually had a series of significant conversations and blunt conversations around how to manage the U.S.-China relationship and sometimes those conversations were tough, but I still felt it was possible to get China to support a rule-based system.”

Obama was in Australia to discuss global leadership and the rising influence of China and Russia, which are seemingly a threat to the US dominance.

However, he noted that President Xi began to change immediately Joe Biden took over power.

“With my successor coming in, I think he (Xi) saw an opportunity because the US president didn’t seem to care that much about a rules-based international system,” Obama explained.