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All Set for Africa Climate Summit as Kenya and Germany Partner

All Set for African Climate Summit as Kenya and Germany Partner

Registration and accreditation processes for the upcoming Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya are now underway following the official launch of a dedicated website on Monday, July 17.

German Ambassador to Kenya Sebastian Groth and Kenya’s Environment Cabinet Secretary (CS) Soipan Tuya presided over the event marking an important milestone in the preparations for the summit slated for September.

Persons willing to take part in the conference can now follow updates on crucial information and interact on the platform that has since gone live.

In her speech, CS Tuya expressed her gratitude to the Federal Government of Germany for its assistance in launching the website. She urged more donors to come on board and help in efforts of actualizing a successful summit.

“The development of the website has been made possible by the Federal Government of Germany,” Tuya noted. 

“We encourage donors  to plug in as there are still needs towards the realization of a successful summit.”

On his part, Ambassador Groth affirmed Germany’s commitment to supporting climate action efforts and in particular the government of Kenya in making the conference a success.

“Kenya is a global leader in renewable energy,” the German diplomat remarked.

“The technology put up since the 80s has put Kenya on the map.”

Africa’s Ambitious Move in Climate Action

Kenya’s President William Ruto, who doubles up as the Chairperson of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (UNFCCC), has described the inaugural Africa Climate Summit as a game changer in the global climate action efforts.

In his now trademark speeches on various forums, the Kenyan leader has passionately championed for a united approach against climate change that does not discriminate against countries on the basis of being from the Global North or South.

The ACS in Nairobi will be the first time in the history of climate change that a continent anywhere in the world has come together to discuss climate change.